
Koh Acid Base Or Salt

[NaOH – Caustic soda, KOH – Caustic potash, HCl-Hydrochloric acid, H2SO4- Sulfuric acid]

All answers are in the periodic table.

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Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) are almost interchangeable. They are the near chemically similar to hydroxides. They are both a white, strongly alkaline, corrosive solid or pulverization. Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as lye or caustic soda where Potassium Hydroxide is known as potash.

NaOH vs KOH which is stronger?

Both KOH and NaOH are fully ionic strong bases.

At equivalent concentrations, in that location is no difference in base strength when they exist as a dilute solution. In either example, they dissociate in water completely and they both produce the same base, OH-. OH- is OH-. Consequently, the pH of, for example, a 0.1 M solution of NaOH should be the aforementioned equally a 0.1 M solution of KOH.

pH = 14- pOH

pOH = -log [OH-]

pOH = -log (0.1) = 1

pH = 14–one = 13

NaOH vs KOH: which is stronger equally commercially bachelor solid or 45-50% liquid?

A strong base is a base that is completely dissociated in an aqueous solution like NaOH and KOH. In contrast, a weak base of operations only partially dissociates into its ions in water. Ammonia is a proficient example of a weak base.

The question is which is stronger? The answer is i that loses –OH ion quicker in water. In the periodic table, Na and K both belong to group ane. Na atomic number is 11 while Thousand's atomic number is 19. K is a bigger atom than Na. In a group in the periodic table, an increment in the size of elements outweighs increasing nuclear charge. The electron configuration of Na is ii,8,1, at that place is a total of 11 electrons spread over three energy subshells. The electron configuration of Thousand is 2,8,8,1, there is a full of xix electrons spread over iv energy subshells. While both take ane electron in the outer valency beat. K has one total extra free energy subshell because of its higher atomic number eleven [Na] vs 19[One thousand]. A larger number of inner electrons in K produces larger electron to electron repulsion [same charge] to outer valency electron making it less attracted to protons in the nucleus and thus outer valency electron of Thou gets pushed out more than hands and gets ejected out. This makes K ionizes more than easily than Na. The ionization free energy of Na is 495.eight kj/mol vs Thou has 418.viii kj/mol. Na needs more energy to ionize. Therefore, K is more electro +ve /reactive than Na. This makes KOH losing OH- ion more than hands than Na and a stronger base of operations.

HCl vs H2SO4: Which is stronger? 35% HCl or 98% H2SO4?

Both HCl and H2SO4 are strong acids

The strength of an acid as a molecule is its ability to lose a proton, H+ ion in water. In HCl, the bond dissociation enthalpy is 427 kJ/mol whereas in H2SO4, where the O - H bond breaks, it is 467 kJ/mol. Lower bail dissociation enthalpy of the H - Cl bond makes it lose proton more easily than H2SO4. That makes HCl stronger than H2SO4 as a molecule.

35% HCl vs 98% H2SO4: Which is more harmful to human rubber

When Man safe with these acids arises, it does not matter which has lower or college bail strength.

Commercially H2SO4 is 98% acrid and HCl is 35% acrid. H2SO4 has just only 2% h2o. H2SO4 molecule has two O-H bonds. Hydrogen attached to oxygen makes it an obvious candidate for hydrogen bonding. H2SO4 is hygroscopic. H2SO4 has a strong affinity for water. If you put sulfuric acrid on your peel, the kickoff thing information technology volition exercise is dehydrate you. This has the upshot of carbonizing your skin giving you 3rd-degree burns. Then, the h2o taken from your pare allows the H2SO4 to dissociate and the concentrated acid burns your peel.

In short, though HCl has an H cantlet, it does not course a hydrogen bond. Also, commercial HCl at 35% concentration has plenty of water.

From a Homo safety bespeak, H2SO4 is far more unsafe than HCl.

Credit: Pub Chem for the periodic table prototype

Koh Acid Base Or Salt,


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